Take full control of your career

Take an active role in shaping the direction of your career with the right career coach who empowers you to achieve your long term career vision. Corporate Manpower E.A coaching program is designed to help you discover what you really want to do with your career life and then develop a strategy to achieve it. In a series of one-on-one sessions our coach will help you gain clarity about the right career path for you, develop a concrete plan to get there and help you go to market.

Does this sound like you?

The coaching program will help if you are:
1. Frustrated, bored or unfulfilled at work?
2. Feeling “stuck” careerwise — with no idea how to move forward?
3. Want to make a career change, but don’t know how — or what?
4. Seeking to know yourself better and the direction your career should take
5. Looking for career progression i.e. promotion, leadership or earning more money
6. Looking for a job and need to position/ package yourself for future opportunities

Hundreds of professionals undertaking our coaching program reach their full potential; understand themselves and other people, recognize their strengths and weakness and the available opportunities plus learn how to adapt to different environments hence taking full control of their careers.

How will the Career Coaching Program be of help to you?

Our career coach will help you:
1. Address and overcome limiting beliefs
2. Identify skill and/or experience gaps and elicit creative solutions for bridging those gaps.
3. Learn communication strategies for productive, positive relationships with your peers, manager and direct reports.
4. Develop effective negotiation and presentation skills.
5. Identify what might be holding you back from moving forward in your career.
6. Discover where to get jobs and introduce you to opportunities
7. Avoid common careers pit falls that derail or stagnate your career.

Ready to take charge of your career?
Let a specialist to help you succeed and reach your potential by contacting us today for a no-cost for initial consultation.

Talk to us now and book a session by sending an email to clientservice@corporatemanpower.co.ke and copy (cc) dorcas@corporatemanpower.co.ke