By Dorcas Karuana,
Ever found yourself having all the credentials on paper but when it comes to getting a job in a big firm you can never seem to make the cut? Worse, sometimes you hear that someone who is intellectually less capable than you manages to get selected. How? Why not you?

The CV that you forward a company is a representation of you. Just like these big companies spend in advertising their products to buyers, your CV is nothing but a powerful marketing tool that is the first step in convincing a company that they need someone exactly like you working for them. From having a clean layout, use of bullet points and white space, through to the length of your CV; will get the attention that you so desperately need.

In this day and age recruiters have dozens if not hundreds of CVs to go through. Their goal is to cut down to a reasonable amount whether using a software or manually; and they’ll simply toss any that don’t meet what they’re looking for.

Here are the deal breakers.

1.You do not meet the minimum requirements.
First and foremost, review the requirements listed in the job description and confirm that you have the skills and experience the recruiter is looking for. This is the “first knockout factor” for many. At least have the minimum requirement needed.

I know one can get desperate while applying for a job and would tend to apply for any jobs that touches an area of their expertise but to avoid your CV landing at dreaded trash, make sure you look at the requirements before applying to the job, and identify if your skills are a match.

2. You don’t pay attention to details.
When it comes to your resume, the devil is quite often in the details. Recruiters take note if you don’t include everything the job posting asks you to send. A cover letter and a CV or just CV? Sometimes you are told to include certain wording on the Subject. Don’t ignore such simple rules.

3. You have one too many errors in your CV.
Proofreading your own resume is a must, but don’t rely on spell check and grammar check alone—ask family or friends to take a look at it for you. Have several eyes look at your resume. They might notice some hideous and stupid error that you wouldn’t see.

4. You sound too desperate on paper.
You could be desperate for a job, I get it but does the recruiter have to know that? It’s in the language that you choose to use. Some people start by saying how much they have gained so much experience over the years and how taking up the job on offer would be good for them and it’s even worse when they do not put into writing what kind of experiences they have gained. You have experience? Kindly put it on paper and tell employers how you will in turn contribute to the success of their business to show you are worth what you claim you are worth.

5. You use the wrong format in writing and sending your CV.
A good CV should be in a chronological order. This way, the recruiter will have an easy time knowing what you are doing now and what did way back. Put yourself into the recruiter shoes, it’s not her work to start jumping from one page to the next of your CV looking for what’s relevant and what’s not. Make it easy for her and mostly for yourself or your CV could be steps away from landing on the bin.

While sending out your CV, if you use a format which is not compatible with most computers, your CV however good it might not see the light of day. Most recruiters will tell you which format to use on the job advert. Make sure you follow the rules.

In conclusion, applying for a job can often feel like a huge challenge, and knowing that there are so many applicants out there can be daunting. But if you follow these simple rules, you’ll make sure your CV gets past the first hurdle: the trash can. Better yet, if you tailor your CV and make sure it’s a fit to the company and job, you’ll definitely increase your chances of getting to the top of the pile.

Dorcas is the Head of Recruitment at Corporate Manpower East Africa.
Email: dorcas(at)

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